Urgent Report For Anyone Ages 50+ Who Is Worried That Their Brain Is “Getting Old”

Imagine, All Of Your Memories Fading Away.
A whole lifetime of happiness.
First kisses and first dates…
First crushes and forever loves…
First steps, your grandchild’s first smile.
Close your eyes.
Imagine it all vanishing.
Replaced by nothing...
But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if, for the first time, there was hope for all of us? “Eat this mushroom and it’ll free your mind”
It’s not what it sounds like. This wasn’t some hippie, and the mushrooms he was talking about weren’t psychedelic. Instead, they came from the forest, And according to a number of studies including a 1-year, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, this particular mushroom held a vital key in the battle to preserve and protect our brains as we get older - so that instead of our memories fading, they can help them stay vividly clear.
It comes in the form of a couple micronutrients that are hiding inside, believe it or not, a mushroom! This mushroom, that experts are now referring to as the “Brain Booster” is full of these natural little nutrients that show in studies to contain more brain-protecting power than any other vitamin or antioxidant in the natural world.
And the best part? It’s something that anyone can add to their diet for under a dollar, even if you HATE the taste, look, or texture of mushrooms. The research really is compelling.
There’s just one problem.
The mushroom I’m talking about right now is not only hard to prepare correctly, but is almost impossible to find other foods that contain enough of it.
Due to Big Agriculture and industrial farming, you’re not going to get this in your local grocery store.
That is a HUGE problem!
I’ll also share a simple and easy way to get it into your diet IMMEDIATELY
WITHOUT the need to start buying a bunch of expensive organic foods from the store,
WITHOUT having to make any changes to your diet,
And even if you HATE the taste or texture of mushrooms!
Replenishing your body’s stores of this crucial, memory-supporting longevity mushroom couldn’t be simpler.
All you need to do is follow an easy 30 second breakfast ritual each morning - which I’ll share here.

And if you do that…
It could make the difference between a declining, slowing brain,
and years of crystal clear memory and focus.
And really think about what that means:
Instead of those embarrassing “senior moments”…
Instead of spending days with your brain feeling like it’s in and out of a fog…
Instead of worrying whether you’ll lose your independence at some point in the future because your brain’s slowed down to the point where your family doesn’t even trust you to do simple things like turn off the stove or drive your car.
What if as you aged, you could spend each day feeling as lucid, focused, and connected as you did when you were younger?
Or even better, what if you could start running mental circles around the Millennials and younger generations who are at least half your age, if not even younger?
And what if you could feel almost as though you were winding back the very hands of time itself?
I know it sounds too good to be true, and that is understandable. So,
“what’s the catch?”

It turns out, to make sure these special nutrients that are helping our brains keep up are utilized by our body, the mushrooms have to be treated so we can actually get the the benefits.
They found that lion’s mane mushrooms contain two special compounds that can stimulate the growth of brain cells: hericenones and erinacines.
They aren't the typical type of vitamin like Vit B, D, E, C, or A. It’s not anything like magnesium, calcium, zinc, or iron. Nor is it a probiotic or expensive pharmaceutical. Which is why I’m nearly certain that you’re not getting enough of this forgotten longevity vitamin in your diet right now because you won’t find it on the shelves of your neighborhood supermarket or pharmacy.
And this is also why I’m so confident that once you start using this 30 Second Breakfast Ritual…
you could feel like you’ve flipped on a powerful light switch inside of your mind.
So that, for the first time in AGES you begin to once again experience the world in crystal clear, vibrant focus the way it’s SUPPOSED to be. The best part is this longevity mushroom doesn’t just illuminate the dark corners of your brain either. It GOES TO WORK clearing out those mental cobwebs leaving you feeling alert and alive! So with that being said, let’s go ahead and get started because I know that the simple and easy to understand information I’m about to share…

For So Long, There Just Haven’t Been Any Real Solutions Out There.
You could do brain puzzles or some “smart app” but even though they’re fun, they’re not really all that helpful — something that’s been shown by countless studies. You could try all the “memory supplements” you see on TV with the fancy graphs and “miracle proteins”, but between the million dollar lawsuits and the FDA scandals it’s clear that most “memory supplements” (even the most popular ones) are really no better than overpriced, simple vitamins backed by paper-thin, inconclusive research.
And as a result…
we’ve found ourselves:
With no hope or direction, with nothing better than the “placebo effect” to preserve the most important organ in our entire bodies.
That is, until Lion's Mane mushroom hit the scene!
Lion's mane mushroom powder supplement
Studies have found that lion’s mane mushrooms contain two special compounds that can stimulate the growth of brain cells: hericenones and erinacines.
Additionally, animal studies have found that lion’s mane may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative brain disease that causes progressive memory loss.
In fact, lion’s mane mushroom and its extracts have been shown to reduce symptoms of memory loss in mice, as well as prevent neuronal damage caused by amyloid-beta plaques, which accumulate in the brain during Alzheimer’s disease.
A 2020 study of people with mild Alzheimer’s disease found that supplementation with 1 gram of lion’s mane mushroom daily for 49 weeks significantly improved cognitive test scores compared with a placebo.
The ability of lion’s mane mushroom to promote nerve growth and protect the brain from Alzheimer’s-related damage may explain some of its beneficial effects on brain health.
Save when you buy bulk!
Feel the Day® Lion's mane is grown in the USA exclusively. 85% of companies selling Lion's mane import their mushrooms from China, where environmental pollution is rampant, potentially contaminating the mushrooms with harmful chemicals. Despite being labeled organic, mushrooms from China might still contain pesticides and toxins due to lax enforcement of organic standards and widespread fraud in certification. Reports indicate that some Chinese farms even use sewage sludge as fertilizer and spray pesticides on their crops, raising doubts about the authenticity of organic claims. Consequently, consumers cannot always trust the organic label when purchasing mushroom supplements from abroad, as the source country's regulatory oversight may be inadequate, posing health risks to those who consume them. It is always safer to buy American grown.
Secondly, these other companies may not be treating the mushrooms for better bio-availability, so not only will you be paying for a potentially dangerous product, it may not even do what it is supposed to because the mushrooms may not have been treated or extracted at all!
So what do you do?
Buy only from Feel The Day® where you know the mushroom quality is paramount. But quality is expensive right?
Exactly! that is why Feel The Day® sells in bulk. This way they can still produce the best quality mushroom supplements, but keep them affordable.
Get yours Today!